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"The Three Friends of Winter" The Metiers d’art - La symbolique des laques – Pine Tree & Crane is the first watch in this collection (referent number 33222/000R-9506). The beauty and strength of the pine tree is a key symbol in Japanese art and tradition. This watch was created using cranes as the second element. Along with phoenix this bird is a symbol of longevity and noble elegance. They were kept in strict confinement for Emperor's pleasure and hunting was prohibited until 1868.

The second masterpiece is Metiers d'art - La symbolique des laques - Bamboo & Sparrow (referent number 33222/000G-9521). Although the bamboo doesn't live as long as the pine it is also a symbol of longevity. The tree is also associated with emptiness or space. This in Japanese culture symbolizes simplicity,Replica Watches tolerance, and open-mindedness. The sparrows, on the other hand, are symbols of honor, duty, and loyalty.

The third part of the collection is Metiers d'art – La symbolique des laques – Plum Tree & Nightingale Watch (referent number 332222/000R-9517) The plum tree's pink-tinted white flowers are open in mid-winter, and they continue to release their delicate and fresh scent through the coldest months.Rolex Daytona Replica This tree is a symbol for inner beauty and modesty. The first messenger of spring is the nightingale, which also happens to be the first plum tree. These two are naturally paired because they have been in Japanese poetry and art for a long time. Both celebrate spring with their early flowers and with their song.

Each of the "Three Friends of Winter", is attached to an alligator Mississippiensis-strap, joined to ardillon buckles made in white or pink, and shaped to resemble a Maltese cross.

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